Supplement Research Studies

Research and reports

Search our archive of reports and research published by HSIS and HSIS experts.

Micronutrient Intakes of British Adults Across Mid-Life

This evaluation of micronutrient intakes in UK women and men in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s identifies micronutrient shortfalls across mid-life stages, with UK females and younger adults particularly vulnerable to shortfalls from food sources alone. Published in Frontiers in Nutrition,…

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Vitamin D: The rapidly emerging evidence

A review of the latest evidence concerning vitamin D deficiency by the Health & Food Supplements Information Service (HSIS) suggests that there are still enormous gaps in our knowledge of this important nutrient.

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Menopause Nutrition Challenges and Opportunities

Half of women are worried their diets aren’t meeting their nutritional needs around the menopause with too few women taking the simple step of bridging the nutritional gaps with a dietary supplement. This HSIS report looks at what nutrients are needed.

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Back To Basics: The Nutrients You Need Served On A Plate

Many people in the UK are lacking in eight key nutrients, with potentially harmful effects on their health. This HSIS report looks at what those key nutrients are plus the challenges of meeting recommended nutritional intakes through diet alone.

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Mind the nutrient gaps

This report details the nation’s alarming nutrient gaps and the risks associated with popular eating plans, calorie restriction diets and lifestyle choices which exclude specific food groups.

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The Healthy Ageing Challenge

This report examines which nutrients support health and wellbeing in later life, and explores ways in which older people can meet dietary requirements.

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Towards a Healthier Britain

This report, “Towards a Healthier Britain”, looks at the evidence from dietary surveys, explores the role of supplements in safeguarding nutrient intakes and nutrient status, and suggests ways to improve how nutritional advice is presented to the public,

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